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Problems with dummy projector lamps

100x100 originals On the Internet, most of the projector lamps that we can find are not original but rather counterfeit lamps , with a lower price .
We have found many clients call us after they have bought a lamp and it has stopped working. This happens because the lamp they had bought was not original.
What lamp do you think is the original?
Lamp not original In this photo we can see two Nec lamps that are quite the same, the lamp on the right is original and the one on the left is a fake . In the same way that happens with Rolex watches or Channel Bags there is also a market for counterfeit lamps. Using non-original / compatible lamps gives the following problems: - Projector malfunctions: Many times lamps that do not have the same voltage / amperage of the lamp that comes with the projector are used and this can cause significant damage to the projector and the loss of warranty of the projector. - Less bright images: Using a lower quality bulb produces a less bright image and even with more yellowish colors. - Shorter duration: By using lower quality bulbs it has less hours of useful life. - They can explode: As these are lamps that have not passed any quality control, there is a risk that they will explode. Epson ProPartner Projectors OK as Epson ProPartner store we sell only original lamps that we buy directly from the manufacturers. If you think you have bought a fake lamp, contact us by email and we will help you.
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